[talk the walk]
Join her on her journey.

“Incredible story and the perfect way to kick off my Monday, my week... and my future.”
— Project Management Institute
What it’s about.
Anja is a motivational speaker and has given talks and presentations at corporate, academic, and public events.
She takes her audience into the mind of an expeditioner and into the landscapes of some of the most spectacular places in this world.
Her stories speak of courage, determination, and resilience. Managing yourself and working as a team. Dealing with risks and uncertainty. Learning how to set and achieve challenging goals. Going beyond clichés, pushing limits, and reaching new heights.
To book her as a speaker, please fill in the contact form.
“Your keynote was the absolute highlight of the day.
It has been extremely riveting and stimulating. It gave us fantastic inputs and motivation to actively shape our personal development.”
— Project Manager Development Day, Swisscom
“We wanted to try something new and host an event just for women. All 100 seats were quickly taken.
It has been an impressive, very intimate talk, and it encouraged us women to push our limits.”
— Inaugural Ladies’ Night, Deutsche Bank
“Exciting to hear about the similarities between entrepreneurship and expeditions, and how to stay motivated when you cannot even see the horizon and are caught in an ice storm for days.”
— Innovation Community, Swisscom

“Wow. Just wow.”
— Project Management Institute